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Stage 4 Kidney Cancer Survivor Shares Tips on Gaining Control After a Devastating Diagnosis

Bruce was diligent about preventative care and maintained a healthy and active lifestyle. In his late 40’s, after a family hiking trip, he felt tired and winded. He knew something was wrong and that he needed to find out the cause.

He remained without a clear diagnosis after months of tests and doctor visits. After waking up one night to searing abdominal pain and night sweats, he received an ultrasound and CT scan that revealed a large mass on his kidney that spread to his lungs. He finally received a diagnosis. He was in stage 4 kidney cancer.

Bruce went into surgery to remove the mass and eventually received immunotherapy that shrank the size of the tumor in his lungs. He is now cancer-free and credits his strong recovery to an optimistic outlook, patient support groups, and his will to live life to the fullest surrounded by his family.


Bruce shares his tips with those recently diagnosed with kidney cancer:

  1. Be your own advocate. Ask questions about the best treatment options for you.
  2. Work with your Urologist to create a care team that includes other medical oncologists and possibly, a nephrologist.
  3. Find a patient support group that will help guide you through the process, so you know what you might be expecting down the road.
  4. Don’t let the diagnosis define you. Live for the moment. Do your research and stay positive.




What we Do

Urologists are highly trained specialist surgeons who use both medication and surgery as part of a comprehensive approach to care for men and women and children with urological problems. 


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