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Male sexual dysfunction could be a sign of other medical problems

Male sexual health is often a topic that many men are hesitant to engage in.

Urologist Dr. Craig Mamitele speaks to CapeTalk’s Refilwe Moloto and says exploring this topic is important because issues like erectile dysfunction could be a warning sign of other medical problems.

If the blood vessels that are inside your genitalia are starting to get blocked, you won’t get a rigid erection that you used to.

Dr Craig Mamitele, Urologist – The Urology Hospital in Pretoria

Because of the connection of the blood vessels in your brain, eyes, heart and eyes, it is usually an indication that you will either have a stroke, a heart attack, go blind or kidney failure.

Dr Craig Mamitele, Urologist – The Urology Hospital in Pretoria

Dr. Mamitele explains that a man’s sexual function is usually at its peak from the teenage years until age 30. From there it slowly starts to decrease, depending on one’s health.

If you continue with unhealthy behaviour like smoking, drinking, uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes – the rate of sexual function decline will be much quicker.

Dr Craig Mamitele, Urologist – The Urology Hospital in Pretoria

Mamitele took a couple of questions from listeners who wanted to know more about male sexual health.

He advises that because of the sensitivity of the topic people should be careful when dealing with a person who has sexual issues.

When a man is already having sexual problems the self-esteem goes down. They will basically shy away.

Dr Craig Mamitele, Urologist – The Urology Hospital in Pretoria

To hear the rest of the conversation, listen below:


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Urologists are highly trained specialist surgeons who use both medication and surgery as part of a comprehensive approach to care for men and women and children with urological problems. 


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